Sunday 11 March 2012

Lower Fat Vegan Chocolate Bundt Cake

I thought I'd get my money's worth from my bundt cake tin, which has only ever been used for the Apple Cider cake (see below), and decided to make the Lower Fat Chocolate Cake from Veganomicon.  It only uses 1/3 cup of oil and instead has some apple sauce (which you can buy ready made from the supermarket) to make up for it.  The cake uses freshly brewed coffee and cocoa plus some vanilla and almond extract for flavour.

Result: the cake had a lovely light texture. It wasn't dry at all however did have the tendency to stick to the top of your mouth, so definitely one for eating with a cuppa. Couldn't taste the coffee at all, which is probably due to my not having any proper coffee and substituting espresso powder instead, which may have been less strong in flavour.  Due to the almond extract, if you don't like marzipan you probably won't like this - the almond taste is quite overpowering.  I'd consider swapping it for more vanilla next time to ensure the chocolate flavour can come through. Probably it could do with some kind of icing to make things more interesting - just some melted chocolate drizzled over the top would be good.

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